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Breeding rules


cattery in the club of cat lovers "Baltic Cat"


1. General Position


1. The main objectives of the "Baltic Cat" club are to foster a humane and responsible attitude towards cats as part of wildlife; uniting owners of breeding cats and promoting the breeding of cats of various breeds in accordance with international rules for breeding cats and the requirements of sanitation and veterinary medicine; improving and improving the quality of animals of recognized breeds and breeding breeds and color options; popularization of the best types and breeds of cats among the population by means of advertising and evaluation exhibitions according to the WCF system; providing qualified assistance and advice on the acquisition, maintenance and feeding of a cat; study and promotion of the achievements of domestic and world culture in the field of genetics, selection and care of cats; strengthening contacts with Estonian and international felinological organizations; assistance to professional development, professional development, implementation of educational and training programs and projects for specialists-members of the club "Baltic Cat".

1.1. Breeding work is carried out by the breeders of the club, under the supervision and with the assistance of advisory assistance from the Breeding Commission of the club, in accordance with the Regulations, rules of the International Felinological Organization (WCF), guided by the standards of cat breeds in the following areas:

· Breeding recognized cat breeds that have pedigrees;

· Breeding of a small number of cat breeds that have incomplete documents of origin.

· Breeding new breeds and color options for cats.


1.1.1. According to the Law on the Protection of Animals of the Republic of Estonia,

the requirements of the European Convention for the Protection of Pets, the legislation of the Republic of Estonia and the charter of the club.

1.1.2. These Rules are intended for breeding by members of the Cats and Cats Club and establish the procedure for breeding cats, the procedure for issuing pedigree documents, the procedure for informing about planned mating, born kittens, as well as the procedure for imposing fines for non-compliance with these rules.


1.2. Additions and changes to the Regulations are carried out jointly: by the President of the club and members of the club at meetings by voting.


2. The tasks of the PC club are:

-Conducting work in accordance with this Regulation, the Rules for holding exhibitions and WCF breed standards;

- Development of pedigree breeding and their analysis;

- Selection of pairs and selection of breeding cats / cats;

- Professional keeping of herd books: Main (LO) and Experimental (RIEX);

- Registration of cats and cats in herd books;

- Issuance of documents (pedigrees, title certificates, etc.);

- Organization of training courses / seminars.

3. The Club President is in charge of the Club's PC.

2.2. The President of the club is in charge of keeping stud books and paperwork.


3. Pedigree books.

3.1. The purpose of keeping stud books is to accumulate information about the breeding animals of the club.

3.2 The club maintains three herd books:

Home (LO)

Experimental (RIEX)

· Litter book.

3.3. The main herd book (LO) records animals that have a purebred origin in 4 generations.

3.4. Animals are recorded in the Experimental Stud Book (RIEX):

· Which ones originate from interbreeding;

From breeding animals without pedigree (certificate, registration card)

· Which do not meet the conditions of the main herd book;

· Which ones received at the exhibition "excellent" EX in the class of beginners;

· New variants of breed groups.

3.5. The breeding books are kept by the club in the state language or in two languages (Estonian and English).



4. Tribal affiliation.


Breeding of cats is organized in such a way that each cattery of the club, as well as owners-breeders, own purebred, healthy cats that meet world standards and most importantly WCF standards.

A cattery audit is an annual event aimed at obtaining confirmed data from the owner of the cattery on the composition, this owner is obliged to provide to the club: registered pets that have been withdrawn from breeding, as well as pets that have left the cattery for one reason or another.

The deadline for submitting about pets is no later than 31.01. each current year.



1. The cat must have a pedigree document recognized by the Club and must be registered with the club.

2. The age of the cat is not less than 10 (ten) months.

3. All general medical tests required and / or required for the breed have been carried out for cats.

4. It is forbidden to admit cats over 7 (seven) years old to breeding.

5. There must be an interval of at least six (6) months between litters.

6. The cat participates in shows and must receive:


A. get 2 (two) marks of “excellent” (English EX) or “very good” (English very good) annually;

B. A mating of a cat with two marks of "excellent" (English EX) or "very good" (English. Very good) (one) time can be carried out without a closed champion title (English Champion) with the recommendation of the Veterinary rook (Frequent estrus);

C. a cat with a Champion title must get 2 (two) excellent marks

(English EX) or "very good" (English Very good) every year;

D. cat with the title of the International champion and / or title

Grand International champion, must get 2 (two) marks

“Excellent” (English EX) or “very good” (English Very good) every second year;

E. cat with the title European Champion and / or higher titles (English European

champion), has the right to permanent mating, without participating in exhibitions;



1. The cat participates in exhibitions and must receive:


A. Receive 2 (two) excellent marks (EX) annually;

B. A mating cat with the title of Champion and / or the title of International Champion must receive 2 (two) "excellent" marks (English EX) every year;

C. a cat with the title of Grand International champion and / or the title of European champion must receive 2 (two) excellent marks (EX) every second year;

D. Breeding a cat with the title of Grand European champion and / or

the title of the World Champion, can be held constantly, without participation in exhibitions;


4.1. Evaluation of the breeding affiliation of cats, their selection and selection is the main goal of breeding work. Evaluation is carried out in accordance with the conformation type, origin and offspring.

4.2. The person in charge of the breeding club has the right to shorten the terms of breeding activities of animals, depending on their state of health, or increase them due to the high breeding value in this breed.

4.3. Breeding animals are cats and cats that:

· Meet the requirements of the standard for the exterior type of WCF;

· Able to give birth to breeding offspring with excellent heredity;

· Meets veterinary requirements.

· Recorded in the stud book.

4.4. The decisive factor about the acceptance (or exclusion) of animals in the breeding program of the cattery, which is part of the club, is the decision of the club felinologists. The club's felinologist has the right, relying on breed standards, to refuse the breeding of an animal without further admission to breeding work. These rules apply to the conditions for joining the club.

4.5. The breeding animal must meet standards, be healthy, free of ecto- and endoparasites.

4.6. An animal that does not meet the above requirements is NOT considered breeding. Each case of mating such an animal is discussed at a meeting of the PC club. Kittens born as a result of such mating do not receive a certificate of origin - pedigree

4.7. The admission of animals to breeding work may be terminated / suspended at any time of the PC, if during the examination of the litter defects / deficiencies are revealed that led to the withdrawal from breeding work, namely:

· Severe undershot or overshot (more than 2.5 mm.);

· Severe anomaly in the position of the teeth and jaw;

· Strong ring formation in eye color;

· "Knot" or "kink" on the tail, other deformations of the skeleton;

· Violation of the skeleton of a congenital nature ("cleft palate", polydactia, dysplasia, fusion)

· Cryptorchidism (over 12 months);

· Deafness, blindness, squint, eyelid anomalies, “fisheye”;

Cosmetic surgery to hide imperfections


5. Crossing. (Mating)

5.1. General requirements.

5.1.1. To obtain a viable generation from one cat, it is allowed to obtain three litters within 2 (two) years, with a break between birth and the next mating for at least 6 months.

The club has the right not to issue documents for other marks and such marks are considered unplanned.

The minimum break between abortions, the death of kittens and the next mating is at least 2-3 months, this time is required to restore the physiological state of the cat. Males can have more than 25 matings in 4 years with a break between matings of at least 14 days.

The PC has the right to reject mating terms based on the health status of the animals.

In some cases, in order to preserve the health of the cat when hormonal disorders appear in it, the PC, on the recommendation of a veterinarian, can allow a decrease in the period between the birth of kittens and subsequent mating up to 3 months.

5.1.3. Unauthorized mating between close relatives is not allowed (Father-daughter, brother-sister). Permission for close inbreeding is given by the PC, while the breeder must have at least 20 live litters.

5.1.4. The owner of the cat has the right to a free consultation of the club's felinologist regarding the selection of a pair for his breeding animal. this advice is purely advisory in nature.

5.1.5. The question of the appropriateness of interbreed mating when working with experimental breeds is decided only by the club's PC based on the presentation by the owner of a detailed breeding program of the cattery, in which experimental work is being carried out on the breeding of a new breed or a new color. The owner of such an experimental line in the nursery must have a certificate of completion of felinological courses with in-depth study of genetics and breed characteristics, have at least 20 live litters.

The owner of the cat can independently choose a breeding cat for mating.

5.1.7. The PC gives, in special cases, permission for mating or justifies its refusal. the owner of the cat within 5 (five) working days informs the club of the date of the fact of mating.

5.1.8. Upon permission, a "Direction for Knitting" is issued.

5.1.9. In one heat, a cat can mate with only one cat.

5.1.10. The owner of the cat has the right to skip mating and get another referral in the following cases:

· Poor health of the cat;

· Unfertilized / empty / mating.


To obtain permission to mate with a cat from another club, you must provide a copy of the pedigree, copies of grades and title certificates, and permission from another club to the PC. If this clause is violated, the mating is considered invalid and the litter is not registered.

This condition applies to breeders who have less than 20 live litters and do not have a felinologist certificate.


Owners of breeding animals should not allow unscheduled, random mating.

5.1.13. Failure to comply with the conditions of mating leads to a violation of the Regulations on the breeding work of the club, as a result of which the President of the club has the right to refuse to issue any documents on the origin of kittens. Penalized, in case of repeated violation, the Owner of the animal can be expelled from the club without refunding the funds previously paid in membership annual fees.



  6. Litter registration. (Registration) .


· Kittens that have deviations receive a pedigree marked with PET “not for breeding”.


6.1. The owner of a cat that has lambed is obliged to inform the club's PC within 7 working days. In case of a delay in the registration due to the breeder's fault for more than 10 working days, the litter will NOT be activated and the documents will not be issued.

6.2. The registration is carried out for the entire litter. Kittens from one litter receive nicknames for one letter of the Latin alphabet (A, B, C, D …… .. so on) according to the order of registration in the litter in the club and cattery. The kitten's own name + the name of the cattery together with spaces should not exceed 25 characters, according to the rules of the WCF.

6.3. In case of the death of kittens before the moment of registration, the breeder is obliged to inform the club in writing about their death within three days.

6.4. Registrations are carried out on the 60th birthday of kittens only in the club where the cat is registered. The results of the registration are entered in the Mating Book and on the basis of this record and the "Mating Act" a "Pedigree" is drawn up. Kittens by this time must have a veterinary passport, the first vaccination and be identified (have a subcutaneous chip)

"Pedigree" is handed out no earlier than 3 months old.


6.5. All existing shortcomings / defects are indicated in the act of registration.

6.6. Knitting, the result of which revealed deficiencies should not be repeated. with a threefold repetition of the same shortcomings in cat broods when mating with different cats, the cat comes out of breeding (the same is considered in the case of a cat).

6. 7. Kittens that are raised in unsatisfactory conditions, sick, unkempt, with signs of dystrophy, with skin parasites are not activated until their health condition is restored and a normal condition is acquired.

6.8. The breeder must be responsible and cannot breed, sell or donate kittens without a WCF-recognized pedigree.

6.9. The breeder is responsible for the correctness and reliability of the registration (colors of kittens, breed belonging, breed qualities) (subject to self-registration, clause 6.13.).

6.10. All kittens subject to transfer, sale, change of owner must have a sales contract with recommendations for care, dietary habits, breed characteristics.

6.11. The club is not responsible for prices, terms of sale and settlement of the seller and the buyer.

6.12. For kittens that are not presented for registration, pedigree documents (pedigrees) are NOT issued and claims on this issue are not considered.


6.13. Independent registration of the litter is possible by the breeder under the following conditions:

1) The breeder has a cattery registered in the WCF system;

2) Has a special permit from the club;

3) Has at least 20 live litters:

4) Possesses knowledge of standards, genetics. He graduated from the WCF felinology courses, has the title of a breeder-felinologist, secured by a certificate;

5) Updating the felinological level of knowledge at felinological courses (Seminars) every two years.

6) Has knowledge of WCF exhibition rules. Regularly takes part in National / International exhibitions with animals born and raised in the nursery.


6.14. The owner of the cat pays for the registration of kittens on the basis of the litter registration certificate, for all kittens in the litter, at the club's rates.

6.15. Calling a felinologist home is paid separately.


6.16. By decision of the WCF 2008 General Assembly, it is prohibited to wean kittens earlier than 12 weeks of age. if this paragraph is violated, a fine will be charged from the owner of the nursery. in case of repeated violation - the certificate for felinological activity of the cattery is canceled, the owner of the cattery is excluded from the club members



7. Issuance of documents of origin.

7. 1. Pedigree.

7.1.1 The breeder, within the time frame specified in clause 6 of this provision, independently fills out the form "Litter registration act", attaches the parents' pedigrees, additionally the titles of the parents. The breeder certifies the ACT with his signature, thereby confirming the correctness and reliability of the information entered into it.

7.1.2. Payment for pedigrees for kittens for club rates. Calling a felinologist home is paid separately.

7.1.3. The pedigree records in full information about the parents up to the 4th generation ..

7.1.4. In case of loss due to the fault of the breeder / owner of the pedigree, a statement of the loss is concluded and, by decision of the PC, a duplicate is issued (with payment in a double rate).


7.1.5. The pedigree of the Main Breeding Book (LO) indicates the presence of 4 full rows of ancestors and is the only confirmation of the purebredness of the animal. each animal entered in the Studbook receives a pedigree with a Master Studbook number and a WCF hologram with an identification number.

7.1.5. An animal of known origin, which is listed in the Experimental Studbook (RIEX), receives a pedigree with the Experimental Studbook number in a WCF hologram with an identification number.


7.1.6. Kittens with birth defects, which will lead to disqualification from the shows, receive a pedigree marked "without the right of breeding" and are subject to castration or sterilization.

7.1.8. Kittens born as a result of mating of a cat and a cat of the same type, but with different hair lengths - Persian and exotic; - Siamese and Balinese; - Abyssinian and Somali and inherited an intermediate variant of wool length, receive documents with the addition of the VAR index.


8. Registration and registration of a cattery of cats.

8.1. A breeder who is a member of the club, has a female breeding animal, organizes his own cattery. The registration of the cattery is carried out by the head office of WCF (Germany), the preparatory process is carried out by the club.

8.2. To obtain permission, you need to be an adult member of the club, regularly pay membership fees. In the book of the cattery of cats / cats that have show marks not less than "excellent".

8.3. To register a cattery, the following requirements must be met:

· Presence of at least one female breeding animal;

· Certificate of the instructor - felinologist;

· Application for registration of the cattery, signed by the breeder and the head of the club.

· Payment for services.





9. Violation and Punishment.

9.1. All actions of cat owners that are contrary to this Regulation are violations.

9.2. The person responsible for the breeding work of the club, upon revealing a violation, raises the question of punishment to the president of the club and the PC. The penalties take effect upon their approval by the club's PC.

9.3. In case of violation of the Regulations, the following measures may be put forward and applied:

· Warning - put on the owner / kennel card


· A complete ban on the work of the cattery with possible exclusion from the club members.

9.4. Names and titles of ancestors, as well as all letter designations of pedigrees, are entered in the font and in the original language. All titles, titles, kennels, registration numbers of other clubs and systems are saved. Names of breeds and colors are recorded in accordance with the WCF EMS-codes.

9.5. After registration of the pedigree, the names established for kittens cannot be changed.

9.6. The pedigree is an official document. Strikethrough and corrections without PC permission will invalidate it.

9.7. In the case of donation, resale of an animal, its owner is obliged to inform the club within seven days and provide accurate information about the new location of the animal. Transfer is issued.

9.8. In case of purchasing a new animal, the club member informs the club about it and provides a copy of the pedigree issued by the club where the animal was registered.

9.5.5. It is forbidden to sell kittens of any class without pedigree.




10. Rights and obligations of the club.

10.1 Check the activity of the nursery at any time without prior agreement with the owner.

10.2. Check the condition of breeding animals and offspring without agreement with the owner.

10.3. To deprive the breeder of the right to receive pedigrees in case of unsatisfactory offspring quality, or unsatisfactory veterinary or sanitary condition of the nursery.

10.4. In case of violation of the breeding Regulation of the club and other normative documents by the owner of the cattery, the cattery may be closed, fined or closed forever with inclusion in the "black list" and notification of this to clubs and associations (in the case of a collective cattery, this applies only to the violating member).



11. Rights and obligations of a club member

11.1. Observe the rules of breeding, according to the breeding status of the club and the rules of the WCF system.

11.2. If necessary, consult the head of the breeding work of the club.

11.3. Comply with the rules and ethics of the breeder.

11.4. Correspondence, documentation between the breeder and the club cannot be transferred to third parties without the consent of the head of the club / breeder.

11.5. Attend club-organized training events.

11.6. Provision of confirmed data to the club on the composition of the cattery in the form of an annual register, according to clause ???.

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